Saturday, April 19, 2008

X-Men Evolution:Introduction

X-Men, a name which made many crazy about it. Many started dreaming what they would have done if they had those great powers. Some started wishing if anyhow they could become mutant. Immense powers, special abilities which are second to none, speed and fury, an adventurous life.....all these are crazy enough to drive any ones nuts out of them. Well how these team x-men evolved and how come we got to see the x-men evolution. I have tried to answer these in a very descriptive but short manner. Hope this will help to calm your thirst for the x-men origin.

Stan Lee wanted to create a team of heroes who were different from the traditional superheroes. He came up with the idea of mutants. He decided to make the leader a man who you would expect to be very weak, but is the most powerful of them all. Professor X, so he made him in a wheelchair and gave him a powerful mind capable of telepathy. For strength he thought of someone who looked like a beast, but was the smartest and most schooled of them. He created Iceman as the opposite of the Fantastic Fours Human Torch.

The lovely telekinetic/telepathic marvel girl and the straight laced somewhat tragic field leader Cyclops. Who always has to wear a ruby visor to cover his eyes, as he could not control it. Mr. Lee also created the master of magnetism and archrival yet friend to the professor, Magneto also the Blob, Juggernaut, Toad among others. He originally wanted to call the book "The Mutants" but his publisher thought that the average comic book reader wouldn't know what "mutant" meant. So, he thought about it for a while and realized that the characters had an extra power & their leaders name was Xavier, so he called them the X-men.

Well, in this blog I will try my level best to describe each and every character of x-men team of the famous series the x-men evolution. Well will see how much power they have and what they can do with these and finally what they did with these immense powers. Hope this blog will help you a lot in making you understand the x-men better.

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